The Aelnid were the first of the pilgrims to arrive on Syphain. They arrived on the southeast area of the continent, after traveling for months over icy terrain. They quickly set to work to build the first human settlement on Syphain. It was named Damogoth, and was ruled by King Halabuck the Great. Halabuck had a large castle built in the middle of the settlement. For a while, the Aelnid were peaceful and content, but eventually a small group revolted. They fled Damogoth and built their own settlement to the north, called Derogoth. After many years of war between the two towns, and after many lives were lost, the towns were abandoned.
The survivors traveled north into the Cairnon Fields and settled there. This is when the Aelnid first came upon the Mantars. The Aelnid burned their villages and ran the Mantars off. This began the formation of the New Aelnid Empire, and their reign over the land of Cairnon. Cairnon was split into three regions, each ruled by an Aelnid group. There was the Da’ar Aelnid, the Sa’an Aelnid, and the Ca’an Aelnid. The three lived in harmony - mostly. Many of the Aelnid also populated the Majesty Mountains.
It was at about this time that the Elves arrived on Syphain. Unlike the Aelnid, they did not slaughter the Mantars or the Klavians. Quite the contrary, they befriended the Klavians, whom they came into contact with first. Many of the elves actually lived with the Klavians in their villages, although a great deal more settled in and around the area west of the Central Plains. Eventually, the elves would build ships and inhabit the small islands on the northeast coast of Syphain.
The elves built many settlements, including Geld, Pan, Talon, Fanos, Terrence, and Eres, but these paled in comparison to the great city of Telamir, the largest of the elven cities. Many elves would travel across the Central Plains to catch a glimpse of the grand city, and would usually end up staying there. Telamir rivaled the Da’ar Aelnid’s entire nation in size.
The greatest achievement by the elves, however, was the Port City of Benethir. This is where trade between all the races on Syphain originated. Even the Aelnid were allowed here. Klavians loved to go there and learn the art of ship-building from the elves. Mantars would often visit and share stories with the elves. Many people from the northlands would travel down to Syphain and arrive via Benethir. Many cultures and celebrations in Benethir began to mirror the lands to the north. Thanks to the influence of Benethir, many port towns began to be built on Syphain.
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